Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday Weigh In

I've had a great first week! I am really amazed with my success this week. I know a lot of it is water weight so I don't expect a high # next week, but for now I'm content!

Exercise: I've been walking around the trails in Htown and the HS during James' practices. I've logged 5 days of 20-30 mins of walking this week!

I didn't cheat once this week! I've struggled with being hungry but Cuties are my go to snack. They are sweet and juicy and about 40 calories. I am allowing myself one cheat meal per week but not going overboard with it.

Weekly weight loss:
Ready for it??? How about now?? I'm at 10.6 lbs for the first week!!!

Staying on track!

Walking with my popping knee (another post soon) and being hungry late at night.

Weekly Snapshot:
I know I've already posted this once so I need to get better at taking pics :) Macey enjoying our walk!