Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Thoughts too small for their own blog post...

I have a bunch of weird random things running through my head.

  • Currently watching The Voice and I LOVE it!!! So much more than American Idol. Plus Blake isn't too bad to look at either :)
  • With the hubby working so hard, there's a number of things I've had to do around the house that I would call less than glamorous. Such as, unclogging the toilet. I've never had a clog that a few plunges couldn't fix. Well, let me tell you. Nothing makes me panic worse than watching that murky water rise to the top of the bowl and praying that nothing seeps over. YUCK! Thank you mom for recommending the best drain cleaner. I fixed it, all on my own! {Sorry, TMI}
  • Also, laughing at the fact that James wondered out loud if maybe Swampy lived in that nasty water. He plays waaayyy too much Where's My Water!
  • Baseball signups are this weekend....Woo Hoo! I was beginning to hate all the free time I've had lately ;)
  • I had a steak and cheese Subway sandwich tonight with jalapenos. I've been adding crushed red pepper to everything lately. The hotter, the better. I don't know what's wrong with me.
  • I'm very thankful for my friends. Every single one of you! Even though I don't see you for a couple of months, or talk by text most of the time, I know you all have my back. And, something can be said for that.
  • I'm also super thankful for my hubby. Our situation isn't the easiest right now, distance is our biggest factor {not theoretical, he's seriously like 500 miles away}. But, I know this is a season of life that we have to go through to get to where we want to be. No pain, no gain, right?
  • I'm also loving my little man. He's so super sweet. He was the biggest cuddle bug last night. For a 10 year old boy to still love to give hugs and be sweet is crazy to me. But, I soak up every moment because one day, it won't be cool anymore.
  • James bought me Lindor Truffles for Valentine's Day. I never knew chocolate could taste sooo good!
  • I ran over a squirrel today...on work property. Smooth move...
  • I've been on a dieting hiatus this week. I had a kid free weekend and I needed to eat pizza and drink wine. Then I needed some chocolate and Mexican food. I think I have satisfied every craving, so I plan to start up again tomorrow.
Well, that's what's going on with me lately. Love~


  1. I love it! How sweet is it that he is still cuddly. You just squeeze the crap out of that now! LOL
    I like the voice too, James can't stand xtina "why does she always have to talk?"
    I hope this distance thing is temporary. It is isn't it?

    1. I've noticed that too, she always has to put in her 2 cents. And I like the trash talk between the 'coaches.' And how they don't put down the singers they don't choose.

      And yes, definitely temporary. He's just working super hard so we can pay off some things and then life will be super great :)
