Saturday, March 3, 2012

Mommy Quiz

So I saw this quiz on another blog and I thought I would adapt it a little bit and quiz James. I think we may let James answer these questions about Gene too :) Enjoy!

1. What is something Jenn always says to you?
  • Do you homework!
2. What makes Jenn happy?
  • When homework is done and also no farting. {true}
3. What makes Jenn sad?
  • When someone breaks something of hers {I believe this stems from James breaking my computer, it was not pretty!}
4. How does Jenn make you laugh?
  • She tickles me!
5. What was Jenn like as a kid?
  • She was mean to her brother {true!}
6: How old is Jenn?
  • 24 {Score!! I'll take this any day!!}
7. How tall is Jenn?
  • 5' {I'm 5'4", I thought he would say I was taller}
8. What is Jenn's favorite thing to do?
  • Play the Wii {eh, not so much}
9. What does Jenn do when you're not around?
  • Drink wine and watch movies {busted!!}
10. When Jenn becomes famous what will it be for?
  • Longest J.B. Hunt worker ever {I was hoping for something more glamorous :)}
11: What is Jenn really good at?
  • Cleaning
12. What is Jenn not so good at?
  • Hanging pictures {totally random, but maybe he's right}
13. What does Jenn do for a job?
  • J.B. Hunt
14. What is Jenn's favorite food?
  • Cereal {yes, and I was eating a bowl of cereal while giving this quiz}
15. What makes you proud of Jenn?
  • When she does some of my chores while I am gone {so sweet}
16. If Jenn were a cartoon character, who would she be?
  • Roadrunner {I think this is a compliment?}
17. What do you and Jenn do together?
  • Walk, play games, watch movies
18. How are you and Jenn alike?
  • We both like to cook {I am trying to teach him to cook!}
19: How are you and Jenn different?
  • He first said, she has blond hair, I have brown hair. James also says, "she is also married, has a phone, and wears girl shoes." {What a riot!}
20. How do you know Jenn loves you?
  • She tucks me in at night and helps me with my homework {my heart is melting}
21. What does Jenn like most about your dad?
  • He has a good job, he's funny, and he's not one of those gross dudes with food stuck in his beard {at this point, I think the milk from my cereal shot out of my nose! so random, yet so hilarious!!!}
22: Where is Jenn's favorite place to go?
  • Acapulco and Granny's {Apparently he thinks I never leave H-town LOL}

Well that's it! Very interesting, indeed!


  1. This made me LOL and almost cry at the same time! What a sweet face :)

  2. He is definitely a sweetie! Just wait until your boys get big enough to talk. The laughter never ends :)

  3. So sweet and so funny!! Love it!
