Thursday, December 15, 2011

What's on my mind...

I don't know about ya'll, but my head is spinning this time of year! I think it's time for a good ole fashioned bullet point post. Sorry for the randomness I have laid out before you...

  •  Tonight, James suggested tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches with bacon. That sounded perty dern tasty and it most certainly was. What made it even better was James helped me cook. Maybe I can pass down my mad kitchen skills to him!
  • Also, notice the picture below. Apparently, I give way too much attention to the dog [:^}

  •  I had a meeting with the school today and got fabulous news. I'm not going into detail, but so excited for our little man!
  • Are you done Christmas shopping? I'm about 90% finished excluding James and Gene. They are the hardest to buy for!
  • I think we all have that person in our life that seems to survive on putting other people down. They're not happy unless they are at the top and using you as the stepping stool. I don't know if that made a lick of sense, but I've noticed it more and more lately.  I thought Christmas brought out the best in people, not the worst.
  • Sorry for the random redneck lingo dotting this post.
  • I saw an old friend at Walmart last night. I often wondered if she still lived around here and now I know. She was the mom-like figure who gave me the advice I was too embarrassed to ask my own mother :)
  • My wonderful, handsome, talented kiddo broke my computer 2 weeks ago and I had to buy a replacement. I'm still a little irked about it, so now he's under strict supervision when using it!
  • I'm in need of a good vacation.
  • My Schwann's man rang my doorbell at 8:45 pm tonight! Can you believe it??? It's a good thing I don't have sleeping babies or I may have clawed his eyes out myself. So, what do I do? I turn up the volume on the TV (which is right by the front door) and refuse to answer the door. How rude!
  • All the college kids posts about finals being over makes me sad. Can't I have a month long break to do absolutely nothing? Please? PLEASE??
  • Hi, my name is Jenn, and I'm addicted to Words with Friends....Hi Jenn!
  • Shouldn't the utility/car/mortgage people do us all a favor and declare December a bill free month? Wouldn't that be the Christian thing to do?
  • Although, I'm not a huge Duggar's fan, I do watch their show from time to time. The news of their miscarriage just broke my heart. And the leaked pictures on TMZ brought me to tears. God be with them and sweet little Jubilee. {Jenny--do NOT, under ANY circumstance seek out these pictures!!}
  • I think that's all tonight. Happy Friday!!


  1. Oh, boy. Lots to say about your post this week. First, I did seek out the Dugger pictures, while at work, and was somehow able to control myself from outright bawling at my desk (though there's still a risk). Second, we don't use the Schwann's guy but he ALWAYS comes through our neighborhood at what seems like the middle of the night... I realize I'm preg and tired so the middle of the night may be earlier to me than others, but it's still late! Crazy Schwann's people! Third, the ONLY thing I can bring myself to miss about college is you as my roomie :)

  2. I couldn't believe those pictures, my heart just crumbled :( I'm considering shutting down my Schwann's man altogether. He used to come at 6 pm, and it's progressively getting later. I haven't ordered anything in a couple of weeks! I miss you as my roomie too! And the breaks, and the Friends marathons with pints of Ben and Jerry :)
